News & Resources

For more than a century, the reliability and precision of HEIDENHAIN motion control systems have inspired human ingenuity in projects big and small. Our technologies have enabled innovation that’s both driven marketplace success, and made our world a better place. Read the stories, watch the technology in action, learn what’s possible and how to get better.

What is cross-talk compensation in controls?

Technical TidBit: Advantages of absolute encoders and pure serial interface

An RSF encoder designed for machines with loose mechanical motion

ACU-RITE’s MILLPWR G2 control now offers more to milling

NUMERIK JENA offers miniature kit rotary encoder for tight spaces

LEINE & LINDE 862 encoder now includes mechanical enhancements for Functional Safety

Calibrate your comparator with precision

ETEL’s new thermal module ensures motor protection

NUMERIK JENA offers small scale linear encoder for limited space applications

New absolute rotary encoders with SSI interface