We take a holistic view of sustainability at HEIDENHAIN

Our employees and suppliers are key partners in creating long-term value. Each does their part to save energy, prevent waste and conserve resources. By pulling together, we can reach our ever-evolving sustainability and environmental goals, whether large or small. Even our products play a role in in this endeavor: in contrast to wear parts, they are designed for the entire life cycle of a machine.

Code of conduct

We are committed to earning the trust and respect of our customers and business partners while maintaining transparent and sound business processes with our suppliers and service providers.

Human rights

We take our responsibility toward our employees seriously. Their expertise, ideas and dedication are the drivers of our success. Protecting their safety, well-being and growth is a top priority.

Code of conduct

Supply chain

Regional, trusted and synergetic: We pursue business ties only with suppliers that adhere to high standards. Our focus is on environmental protection, human rights and social responsibility.

The environment

We aim to continuously reduce the impact of our actions on the environment. This applies to everyone in the company: Together, we strive to conserve resources and operate sustainably.

Supply chain

We believe that ecological, social and economic sustainability are inseparably connected.

Calculate your potential savings

CO2 and cost calculator for linear encoders

CO2 and cost calculator
for linear encoders

CO2 and cost calculator for angle encoders

CO2 and cost calculator
for angle encoders

Potential savings via touch probes and breakage detectors

Potential savings via touch probes
and breakage detectors